Curious Historian

August 2024 · 3 minute read

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Similar to how babies have their own language, soldiers in the military have created their own line of communication. Slang changes with the time and its no different in the military. The words and phrases evolve, get shorter and sometimes even take on a different meaning than it initially did. 

During World War II, the soldiers needed a language that was their own more than ever, not only so that the enemy couldn't understand them, but because they needed something to unify them even more. Some of these terms are still used today, by soldiers and civilians alike. 

Here are some of the coolest military slang used during WWII. 

Ammo- Ammunition

AWOL- Absence without official leave.

All-Out- With full vigor, determination, or enthusiasm.

Armed to the Teeth- Well equipped with firearms; alert; fully prepared; awake to danger.

Armored Cow- Canned Milk.

Bird- Helicopter. ‘Chopper is rarely used, except in the movies, where it is always used. A chopper is a kind of motorcycle, not an aircraft.

Bags of Mystery- Sausages.

Bail Out- Parachute jump from plane; by extension, to get out of a situation like a date.

Battle Watch- To do one’s best under difficult circumstances.

Army Banjo- A shovel.

Belly Cousin- A man who has slept with a woman you already slept with.

Bite the Dust- Killed or wounded.

Blanket Drill- A nap.

Blind Flying- A date with a girl you have never seen.

Bone- To study.

Broad with a Heat Wave- A very passionate woman.

Broad with a Load of Lettuce- A woman of wealth

Broad with Canned Goods- A virgin.

BTO- Big Time Operator. Someone who thinks he’s important.

Buck Private- The lowest rank in the army.

Bunk lizard- A lazy soldier with a sloth like attraction to his bed.

Canned Morale- A movie.

Cash in One’s Chips/ Cast the Last Anchor- To die.

Cast-Iron Bathtub- Battleship

Cats Beer- Milk

Chicken Berry- An egg.

Chow Hound- Men who always wind up at the head of the mess line.

Coffee Cooler- One who seeks easy jobs; a loafer.

Cooking With Gas- Having become wise to something.

Cracked Egg- A silly or dumb person.

Cupid’s Itch- Any venereal disease.

Dad- The oldest member of a group.

Dear John- A letter from one’s wife of girlfriend, informing one that the relationship is over.

Devil’s Piano -A machine gun.

Do a Hitch- to serve an enlistment.

Ear Beater- A person who doesn’t let you get a word in.

Fly Boy- A glamourous pilot (usually used ironically)

File 13- Waste basket.

Gibson Girl- A hand -cranked radio transmitter included in aircraft life rafts; so- called because of its wasp-waisted shape, reminiscent of the beautiful, idealized woman drawn by Charles D. Gibson.

G.I Jane- A member of the women’s Army corps.

G.I Jesus- Chaplain

G.I Joe- A soldier

Give It the Deep Six- Forget it; keep it a secret. In other words, what was told in confidence should remain as a secret and unknown to others.

Guard house/ Barracks Lawyer- A person who knows little or nothing, but talks much about regulations, military law, and the rights of soldiers.

Gink- A stupid person.

Hash burner- This term is used to refer to the cook.

Jawbreakers- Army biscuits.

Joe- Coffee.

Juice- Electricity.

Khaki- Wacky- A woman over fond of men in uniform.

Lay an Egg- Drop a bomb.

Low on Amps and Voltage- An individual who is lacking ambition and ideas.

Moo Juice- Milk.

Sea Dust- Salt.

Table Muscle- Fat.
